Saturday, April 3, 2010

Obama: The next two term President of the United States.

A month ago if you were to ask me where Obama stood in regards to a second term, I would have been unable to give you a definitive answer. Today, however, I can say with a good amount of certainty that the 44th President of the United States will serve a second term.
How can I predict this you ask?

If you were to look at President Obama's accomplishments in the last year, you would see a list full of achievements: from the passage of health-care, to the stimulus, to the monumental progress in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Perhaps, if the Republican party had a front runner in the presidential race in 2012, the possibility of these accomplishments could be peeled away from the President.
There may be a chance for the GOP if American were to hit with another terrorist attack -such as 9/11-, or another economic disaster. Only then, may the republicans pull of a victory in 2012. But until then, the numbers favor Obama, and will continue to.

As a registered Democrat, I would vote for Obama again. The President has spurred a sense of confidence in me, that has not been filled since the early years for President Clinton's second term. This is not to say that I did not stand behind our last President, but with his Gerald Ford-esque demeanor in front of the camera, President Bush did not instill the same amount of pride.
I did not seem to share the same outlook as George W. Bush on the direction of our beloved country. With an almost laid back behavior outside of the teleprompter, Bush made it seem he would rather be buddy-buddy with me, or take a vacation. I do not feel this is the right behavior for such a prestigious role in the world. W's almost lack luster need to impress as President did not sit well with me. I do not foresee President Obama needing to dress up as a fighter pilot, and that is okay by me.

This President has shown me that he has what it takes to restore the much needed confidence in his seat, and unless I let the partisan misinformation set in I will continue to give my President the hope and support he deserves. May Mr. Obama be blessed with the fortitude to continue down this path, and may my hope be a light for him to follow.

President Obama's list of successes thus far into his first term

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